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Daring Abroad
Daring Abroad Investment Forums 2023
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Daring Abroad Investment Forums 2024

Investing Home and Abroad

Daring Abroad Investment Forums is a series of global forums aimed at unlocking investment opportunities between Kenya and the diaspora. The forums are premised on Chams Media's international, award-winning, popular TV and Online show known as Daring Abroad. The series showcases experiences of Kenyans in the diaspora and their social economic impact back home. The forums include panel discussions on topical issues related to investment, exhibitions by sponsors, cultural displays and field visits.


The forums are organized by Chams Media in collaboration with Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, their counterparts in the host countries, the associations of Kenyans in host countries and Kenya's State Department of Diaspora Affairs among others.

Expected Outcomes:

Promote Trade Between Kenyan and the host countries
Explore Untapped Investment Opportunities between Kenyan and the host countries
Boost Diaspora investments home and abroad


The diaspora
Investors from Kenya
Investors from host cities
Chambers of commerce
Consultants and Experts from various sectors
Representatives of Kenyan government and host cities


Sponsors to pay sponsorship fee depending on sponsorship package
No Entry fees for attendees
Participants to carter for their travel and accommodation expenses


Daring Abroad Investment Forums are happening at a time when diaspora remittances have grown to become the leading foreign exchange earner to Kenya. Between October 2022 and September 2023, total remittances realized were USD 4.05 million up from USD 3.57 million in the year ending September 2021. This translates to a record 14% in just three years post the Covid-19 pandemic. Further analysis of trends in remittances inflow into the country indicate steady growth over the past two decades and high prospects of continued growth in the future. Chams Media is informed by this study to work with the private sector and government in showcasing Kenya's investment profile and connecting the diaspora with various viable and credible investment projects through the Daring Abroad brand. Our past success has helped the diaspora realize value in their remittances towards various sectors in the Kenyan economy including real estate, construction, insurance, banking, cooperative movement, motor, education and agriculture among others thanks to meaningful partnerships that we have developed with private sector players in the mentioned sectors.
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